En Grèce ou en Crète, louez votre voiture


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We do not have the claim to give you all the keys here to install you and live in this country. Our goal is to inform you of our small experiment…
and to save to you time concerning your research.

Monitoring the work

Restaurants et Taverne Crétoise à Rethymnon et kefalas

It is very easy to open an bank account in Crete, it will be enough for you to your passport or indentity card, to deposit 10 euros and if you wish it a credit card, it will be delivered to you and this free in the 15 minutes which follow. It should be said that Crètois pay practically all in cash, even of large sums for example more than 1000 euros. When we must pay by credit card, the tradesmen are not accustomed and it is a whole history. .mais which is nevertheless not a problem! that this fact very well! top of the page

As I said it to you in this moment it is the period or all is possible. Many promoters/manufacturers are on the way to file for bankruptcy their. In Xania for example the largest manufacturer is about to do it, and what is more worrying, its branch work after sale… business to be followed.

But where are the good deals will say to me you? It is that these manufacturers before the crisis bought many grounds and hastened to begin constructions above, that they finished when the contracts were signed. Thus you see or I want to come from there. many houses are built but not finished. . but it is in this moment easy to find a superve villa with super sight on sea of +de100m ² for hardly between 150.000 with 200.000€ ground included/understood of approximately 1000m ²!!

For the remainder of construction, these same promoters called upon subcontractors who them at the same time find with unemployment. .donc prices that one can negotiate easily!!

If you wish to buy a house or land in the area of Apokoronas, Kalivès, Vamos, Kefalas, Xyrosterni, and the region of Kefalas is renowned for thunderstorms. Know that infrastructures such as electricity and especially water are lamentable ..! For electricity, there are power cuts without warning most of the time, which can last for a good part of the day (so watch out for freezers), for water from mid-May onwards. Cuts begin by becoming longer and more numerous in summer until September the cuts generally begin around 6 pm and put back into the night, or even the day also on the weekend. Here in the area of Kéfalas we had several cuts that lasted 3 to 4 days .. then you can realize the state of the pipes, besides, the region tries to invest to carry out works but when will They finished?

if you wish other information I could communicate them to you: gilles@itinerairesbis.com

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